Saturday, 9 May 2015

Something Fishy!

Hello again! 
I'm just popping in quickly to share a little project I have been working on this week.  I have been making these little "fishbowls" for my kids to give to their teachers at the Teacher Appreciation Lunch at their school this week.
 It was a little hard to get a good picture of this because of the glass, but they turned out pretty cute.  I found the graphic for the lid on Pintrest, and just sized it down and printed it on paper and glued it to the lid.  the fish I made using Red Heart Unforgettable in Stained Glass using a size C hook.  I didn't follow a pattern for them, I just freehanded them, but I could probably write out a pattern for them- they are pretty easy.  The eyes I had ordered awhile back from COLINCHJ on Etsy, and they are 6mm.  The "marbles" in the bottom of the jar are just clear colored pony beads that I picked up at the dollar store.  I'm hoping the teachers will like them.  One jar down, three to go!


  1. The teachers will love the glasses! The teacher's day is such a wonderful thing in Canada. They should have something that that in Germany too!

    Take care
    Anne (Crochet Between Worlds)

  2. Sadly, teachers are taken for granted and undervalued in Australia by the government and general population alike which disturbs me greatly. Perhaps if schools remunerated teachers properly we might be able to retain the best teachers. A teacher appreciation day, (...week, year, decade...) is sorely needed in Australia.
    Your fishbowls are so cute and original. Good job! :-)

  3. Are they both suspended by clear wire?
