Wednesday, 4 March 2015

It's Been A Long Time

I know it has been an awfully long time since last I updated.  I do apologize for my absence.  The end of last year was a very busy time for me craft wise.  I had so many projects that needed to be completed on time, and it was a crunch to get them all done.  Here are but a few examples of things I was hooking like mad to complete!

Shortly after the first of the year, I had some personal issues of a catastrophic level happen.  I can't discuss the details here, but life as I knew it before has been turned upside down. So I've been struggling to right myself since then.  I went almost 3 weeks without hooking anything at all, and then when I did try to do anything, I'd end up having to rip rows and rows out because I just couldn't focus well enough.  I've been trying to ease back into my crafting, and only doing it when I feel like it, for however long, and on whatever project it is that I feel up to working on at the time.  This is why you haven't been seeing posts from me, nor seen my Etsy store open in January as I had planned.  So hopefully there will be more posts coming soon!  I'm about mid-way through a project and hopefully will be able to share it in about a week's time- but I'm not going to hold myself to that.  It might be a week, it might be a month.  Crochet is somewhat therapeutic for me right now, but I have to do it on my own terms.  I'm hoping that I'll be able to start taking orders again soon, and get back to some more regular blogging.


  1. I am so sorry to hear that you have had such a difficult time this year. Don't worry about the break from the blog - do what you need to do to look after yourself.
    You must do your crochet on your own terms for it to be therapeutic. That makes sense. The minute you put anyone else's needs or expectations on it, it takes the focus away from your needs.
    Often people tell me that I should 'take orders' or 'open a shop' for my crochet but in many ways it can defeat the whole purpose for me - a hobby-come-therapy-and-stress-reliever. I love it so much, I would hate to have that passion burned out by the stress of outside demands.
    Take your time to do what you need to do to feel more settled. All the best and I hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Jodie

  2. It is good to see you back! I was worried!

    Oh and I am now even more worried to read that something horrible happened to you! Is there anything I can do to help??

    Love and lots of hugs
