Wednesday, 17 September 2014

A Late WIP Wednesday

Well, it's late Wednesday, and I was going to make a post for WIP Wednesday.  but I decided instead to keep working on my road trip scarf, which seems to be a very popular project right now, and was designed by Zelna Olivier.  I've been seeing loads of these around the internet and wanted to try one, and although I always think they are beautiful, I just wasn't sure the scarf was really "my style."  I finally decided to quit drooling over them and to just hook one up.  Besides, if I didn't like it, it would make a wonderful gift for someone, right?

I finally was able to find a couple of skeins of Red Heart Unforgettable in the Sunrise colorway.  This colorway and the Stained Glass seem particularly difficult to find.  Even when I look online, most of the time those colorways are always out of stock.  The Sunrise colorway grabbed my attention because of the bright oranges (which is my favourite colour) and the wonderful contrast of the blue.  Now that I've worked this colorway up, I find myself wishing that the blue was a little more frequent. The colours are bright, shiny, and vibrant.  It's a wonderful combination for Fall.  The bottom picture shows the colours more of how they actually are.  You'll have to excuse the poor lighting in here.  It was a grey, gloomy day here, so I didn't have good natural lighting to photograph in.  Perhaps in a few days when the weather clears up I can try again. The bottom picture I took before I added the flowers.  I almost left it totally plain, and the scarf still looked nice.  The pattern has 8 flowers and some tassels as well.  In the end I decided that it would be a shame not to adorn it in some way, even though I usually prefer my things to be more on the plain side.  I went with 5 flowers instead of 8, and decided to forgo the tassels altogether.  I'm looking forward to trying it out once things cool down just a tad!


  1. it's beautiful! The colours are gorgeous and very seasonal :) I keep seeing these as well, I think I probably need to have a go as well ;)

  2. Turned out really great! The colour combination will look very good on you!

    Take care

    P.S. I just ordered 190 € worth of yarn... Oppss... Well, it's a shared order with some work mates so it isn't that bad, I reckon ;-)

  3. Gorgeous!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Turned out lovely! Excellent colour choice too!

  5. I agree that it is a beautiful colour combination! I like to wear orange too - such a vivacious colour. It makes me happy which is why there is orange in my blog's background colours. How long did it take to hook this shawl up? It looks like it would be relatively quick. Fantastic work - I do love it. :-)
